한국의 갯벌Integrity
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- Wholeness
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The Seocheon Getbol, Gochang Getbol, Shinan Getbol, and Boseong-Suncheon Getbol, inscribed on the World Heritage list, contain the largest remaining tidal flats on the southwestern coast of the Korean Peninsula, and are one of the most important sites for migratory waterbirds on the East Asian - Australasian Flyway. The boundaries of the four components include feeding, breeding, and roosting areas, providing suitable protection for migratory birds. The property has habitat diversity, including muddy, sandy, mixed, and rocky habitats, as well as extensive beaches, sand spit, and characteristic sediments bodies widely developed around numerous islands.
The stable supply of terrestrial sediments from the Geumgang River has greatly contributed to the maintenance of habitat diversity that is unprecedented worldwide. These internationally important and irreplaceable habitats home the highest diversity of waterbird species, including threatened species, on the East Asian - Australasian Flyway, as well as a rich biodiversity of other species in and on the tidal flats.