한국의 갯벌

As we have entered the 21st century, our societal interest and ways of enjoying our precious properties have been significantly changing.
Getbol, Korean Tidal Flats is one of the world's most important and meaningful habitats for the conservation of global biodiversity and has special value as a stopover site for endangered migratory birds, so it has been recognized as 'Outstanding Universal Value' by the UNESCO World Heritage Committee in 2021.
The property area of Getbol, Korean Tidal Flats is a superb area having high biodiversity base on habitat diversity. The abundant ecological resources have been wisely used by the local residents. In this regions, it has also conserved and transmitted a unique traditional culture called to ‘Get-sallim’*.
*Use the prefix from Getbol, ‘Get’ and the word ‘Sallim’ meaning livelihood. Hence signifying livelihood on the tidal flat.
We will strive to conserver UNESCO World Natural Heritage Site Getbol, Korean Tidal Flats while also working towards its sustainable development as a ‘living heritage’ through various activities such as education and heritage tourism for the transmission to future generations.
We kindly ask for your continuous interest and active support for our World Natural Heritage, Getbol, Korean Tidal Flats.